<-- these are the newest and most comfortable additions to my 'loungeware' (according to Sussan's) wardrobe. Slipper choice is quite important, as many hours will be spent in them, and i thought these were appropriately cute yet warm, soft and cosy! (*these, along with many other items, were an end product of the ridiculously successful shopping trip i had with Dan last Sat - they were spotted and consequently enthusiastically admired! And were bought a wk later (by my wonderful and generous mother :)
And Lib, for your benefit, here is my new haircut, now a few weeks old. Does it look like it did in your dream? (as you can see this little photo shoot was yet another symptom of my productive procrastination on the weekend!)

Anyway, hope you're all going well out there, and ... happy monday!
Heehee - I can just picture you doing that photo shoot :) Queen of self portraits! (and procrastination)
Nice! I like your hair. In my dream it was just like when you cut it 2 years ago (you know how you had it to the PAC formal in 2004). Thanks so much for the pics.
i love you slippers! love love love them (as i already told you eh). See i have a blog now... woohoo! how exciting!
wooo you have a blog, that's so exciting!!! that was quick! where is it? (link's not on ur profile) and nice pic, very zoolander :P!
yeh forgot to link it... its on my profile now!!! look at it!!
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