Saturday, August 27, 2005

haha hmm...

Don't feel like posting. Can't be bothered. Don't know why I am really. Well, procrastination. Btw trial exams next wk- Eng and Art on mon (5 hours of exam *cringe*), Mod Hist Wed, Classics Thurs, Psych Mon.

I'm gonna speak in really general terms here (I'd be more specific if it were one on one, but lets face it, blogs aren't!) and say that man, life/growing up is full, confusing, wonderful, exciting, challenging, painful, and uncertain among many other things.

But I say, somewhat tiredly but nevertheless meaningfully* bring it on.
Btw this is a cool pic of me and Annie (Emma's) from Dave's party in the hols- i love photo's where there's eye-contact between ppl in the photo, makes it interesting. [NB we aren't seriously looking murderously at each other :P]


Anonymous said...

what are we doing??

jesster said...

lol i think it was a 'bring it on, ur goin down girlfriend' kinda moment

Lib said...

lol! oh i cant wait for ur post on the party! great pics i have btw... so good

sez said...

wow...that was kinda a full on post, in a not full on kinda way... that totally makes sense :P cool pic lol and ur exams will be FINE :)