3 exams down, 2 to go. Had modern history today which was the one i was most worried about buuut there seems to be a general consensus (ie Charlotte and I agreed) that it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, IN FACT I could actually answer the questions, and the sources analysis was pretty interesting- about the zoot suit riots during the 1940's- if anybody know's the Cherry Poppin Daddies then you'll know why!
Does anybody else get all hyper before exams? Prob nervous tension, but we were all really enthusiastically doing We Can Be Heroes (oh, final tonight, so good! Poor Terry! Ja'mie, haha!! ohh the supply of quotes are gonna keep us going for quite some time) impersonations and talking about... well I can't even remember, but whatever it was it was with great enthusiasm, before we went in.
Exam's are interesting... I could do without the stress- I love my food so it wasn't that great to only be able to have a banana for lunch before the exam- but on the other hand they actually make me get off my butt and do a bit of work, and it usually feels pretty good when you walk out of the exam and it's done (I might be singin a different tune when I get marks back though!) The time goes so fast though, you wouldn't think sitting for 3 hrs would! And you know what else is cool? That everyone else has to do the same thing at the same time. Lol in modern hist. we were looking at how mateship during the war meant "living together in adverse conditions and relied on each other for survival irrespective of social classes". Well I reckon, tho maybe not quite as extreme, that could soo apply to yr 12! It's tough.
Annoying thing is having to miss out on stuff bcoz of study- i.e. the Da Vinci Code thing I was going to go to tonite with Sez, but it all worked out for the better in the end...
Classics exam tomorrow, then freeeedom till monday! And on friday I'm going to the show with the fam- that's right I'm doing the Yellow Brick Road and ferris wheel with my family and I'm not ashamed!! Can't wait :P
glad all that went well :) and yeah, actually really glad we couldn't go, otherwise i would have gone and failed my english essay miserably instead of just plain failing like i did ;o) na actually it wasn't that bad, my memorisation of five poems went *cough* well, at least... i remembered parts of each?! ah well... mmm the show... so many sounds and smells and money grabbing things... anyway, i'm not going. :( oh well :P hope the exam today wasnt too bad...!
and nice pic... i think i'll print it out and stick it on the back page of my diary... and share the fun with my friends! haha
lol that cracked me up SOOOOOOOOOOO much! yeh i'm 2 and a half down, 2 to go (the half is english). exams are so weird tho- like u get this adrenaline and after the maths one i was shivering so badly and angie was too and i dont think it was cos we were cold!
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