haha, yep...

How funky - Connie heels! I thought of Erin...

OH the novelty!

A quick jaunt on the camel (literally, it got up, walked in a little circle to have some photos, and then sat down again! Joh and Karen went on as well) - I figured, when in Cairo... :P

Me, Joh, Mike, David and Pyramid

Kat, Joh and I looking pretty with the pyramids
:| those shoes are like... you can't have connie heels!! nooo!! it just doesnt WORK!! hahaha, cool pics though :)
It still seems so surreal to think those are the REAL pyramids behind you!!
hi jess, you are awesome!
...i comment and i compliment :)
also..does anyone else find it difficult to actually figure out what the word verification actually says? i always get it wrong..my bad..
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