Same goes for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- better than the original one many times over, a great nite out for the whole family :P Seriously, I loved it, money well spent- so full of one liners, and Johnny Depp's great in the role. It struck me how the (semi-main, as well as Charlie) main character was thought of as so wonderful, when he's really as flawed and eccentric as the rest of us... don't know if that really describes what I mean. I guess there was a fascinating depth to the character (as much as you can have in a kids movie), contrasted with Charlie (who was a LOT more believable, sincere and likeable than that blonde kid in the first film)... Charlie was kind of the adult in the relationship (and I don't mean that to sound Michael Jacksonish, which many people have been saying about how Johnny (that's right, first name basis) did Willy Wonka) There's my profound insight :P...And so full of one liners, anyone who'd going to see it take a pad and pen to record them! lol...
Done too much writing this past wk and a half (btw Psych exam today- only 2 hrs long rather than 3, actually finished before the end which was pleasantly unusual for me!) so here are some cartoon things I found (courtesy of Emma C -> see link for her brand spankin' new blog) which were pretty funny (I'd better say that they're from (and others)as long as you know many of the other one's are dodge, I'm not endorsing them!!) Hmm go to show my warped sense of humour ;)

And to finish off, a verse that I was looking at last nite, partly from this daily Bible reading thing I do called Daily Bread:
'O Lord, you have searched me and you know me... you perceive my thoughts from afar...Before a word on my tongue You know it completely...Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I go from your presence?... I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made... All the days orgained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be... Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any way offensive in me, and lead me in the way everlasting'. Psalm 139 (bits of it)
Kanye West Bush video - what the web is saying
Annie told you earlier about Kanye West's unscripted comments during NBC's concert for Hurricane Katrina.
I'm lovin' it - programy
NOOO the spam has hit! Thanks but no thanks anonymous
that onion one is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hilarious! i just imagine the little accented voice in my head (lol the voice is a bit confused, it says "i am from portugal" in a french accent)
lol, i KNOW!!! i love the onion one!!! damn the spam!! PAIOC to the rescue!!! [ok, its not quite an inanimate object BUT]
the movie was called short circuit . great movie
thanks for that chris, i saw it ages ago and still remember it as pure 80's gold :P
And Em I know, I saw an ad for it the other day! I'm interested to see how Keira Knightly will go with it actually, I reckon she could be alright. Whoever plays Mr Darcy, on the other hand- NOONE, i repeat NOONE can do it better than Colin Firth.
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