Monday, March 19, 2007

identity crisis

We just took our cats to the vet for their annual check up (pretty funny in itself - Remy in the cat carrier doing these ultra sad meows, and me (unwisely wearing black and thus ending up completely covered in fur) carrying a quivering Charlie. They got their claws clipped (woohoo for us!).

When we got home I think Remy started having a minor identity crisis - I found him in the hallway trying to sharpen his claws on the carpet, as you do... but, there were hardly any claws left, let alone enough to be sharpened. Instead he kind of manically was clawing at the carpet looking anxious. Poor lil fellow.

To try to cheer him up I tried to dangle some string in his face, but I think this just depressed him more as he couldn't claw onto it. Oops.

Weeee! String!!!...
...that I can hardly hold onto. I am so depressed right now.
Grrrrr! *sob* (I love this one, who knew cats could frown?!

In other news, Chicks go Sticks was a fabulous success, with many hilarious moments, girly bonding, and great convo's. Go God.

Ooooh, wow, I see the sea!

Fleuro sunset, whilst chasing roo's.

Closely followed by this great adventure of a trip, was Sez's awesome emo par-tay - if you haven't already go to Sez's blog or Em's piczo for hot pics!

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