Monday, March 20, 2006

I don't know how it happens, one second I'm outside reading stuff for history, and the next I find myself inside reading blogs. How did I get here? It's like I'm driven by some strange force called procrastination ... I'm starting to get sick of that word! Actually the topic we're doing at the moment is really interesting - the Reformation and all that entails (much more interesting than the trade routes and empire expansion of the last couple of weeks ... well, easier to understand anyway)

Rode into Uni again today, which was good fun and surprisingly quicker to get there on the way there than the bus. I had to sneakily go cross-country on the closed off Dequetteville Tce amidst big pieces of machinery and massive seating stands for Clipsal- already there are so many roads closed off for it, it's crazy! I went thru the parklands and avoided most of the main roads - it's so freaky when a massive bus suddenly starts looming up behind you - I always think of the worst case scenario on main rds and imagine someone opening their car door, only for me to ride right on into it, or swerving into the bus or something dramatic, but there were no such dire happenings... Actually it was quite pleasant!

Philosophy's been interesting - partic the tutorials. I realised that kind of for the first time I'm in a debating situation with people who (in terms of Christianity, or belief in God) largely think a lot differently than I do. That's the reason that I decided to do the subject though, to be challenged out of my comfort zones. We were analysing an argument about intelligent design (this thing called the Paley's Watch theory - basically that if we see a watch or piece of intricate mechanism, we assume that it has a maker. In the same way all around us, in nature and the universe, are 'intricate pieces of natural mechanism's' all inter-relating and working together in complex ways, and thus we can infer that there is an ultimate Maker) the other day, and I was a bit surprised by my natural reaction to pull back a bit and be defensive (in my mind anyway) about my own beliefs. I guess it highlighted to me that I want to work these things out for myself, and can't always lean on other peoples opinions to pull me through, if that kind of makes sense.

In other news, it's almost a week since Lib left us for the States - everyone keep thinking of and praying for her!! Sounds like she's having a pretty rad time already, even if she's a bit homesick :P

back to the books...


Emma Smith said...

hey Jess, u're doing philosophy? same! and we're also studying paleys theory about the watchmaker. now however we've moved onto darwins evolution theory. But I'm finding the same thing, today we were discussing the question "If God exists why is there so much suffering in the world". Which is interesting thing, but like you said, it makes me get all defensive. That question is not easy to answer, and often one asked even by christians, so to try and defend it to non-christians is difficult. Still I am enjoying the topic and have been finding that I have responses to the questions even if I thought i didn't. Just shows God is there and lookin out for me. Anyway, speaking of procrastination this is a really long comment and I too should be doin work, so have a great rest of your week, and yay for update! luv em xox

Lib said...

hah i agree with you emmalina (hope you're good btw). great job on updating. it seems i only have to ask and people start updating! nice!!! anyway yeh i'm just gonna do the rounds now... oh wait i just remembered somehting- remember year 10 philosophy? good times! so hot in summer... sliding off the seats and what about that movie "quiz show" haha.

sez said...

i have a feeling we're doing the watch thingo in term 3 when we study christianity [in religion] ahha it was funny, yesterday an old scholar came and did her tute for us so that we'd know how to do them [we have to write 25-50 minute speeches. YAY!] and she was like yeah, you won't ever have to do anything as hard at uni as you'll have to do this year... and we're like hmm GRAND. anyway, go procrastination!! hehe

Arthur said...

Hey Jess,

I found that I got defensive too in first year philosophy! (Then I started talking on the MyUni forum with atheists who were also defensive -- not a good combination!) I think we get defensive like that either when we haven't thought about the issue much, or we've thought about it but don't really know what to say. You might think that Christians think regularly about all those big God-and-the-universe questions but it actually takes some hard work of reading and thinking! And then it takes confidence and calm to actually express stuff effectively.



jesster said...

@Emma 1: It's comforting you're finding the same thing! And it's true that God is looking out for us - I guess the thing is to trust him rather than distance ourselves from him, hey.

@Emma 2: Yeh we have to face facts, I hate you Emma, that's why I went to the morning lecture. In fact it was a relief to get away from you. Jking (duh!)!! Actually it was wierd going to the morning one without you, I had no one to confer with over validity and invalidity (you're talented math-ness is coming in handy me thinks...)

@ Lib: How good was philosophy! Oh good times... I vividly the sliding off the seat, partic one day when we were watching some vid on Socrates... And your constant state of excitedness! And how Ms M-C always told ME to be quiet when you and Emma were being equally loud and larrakin like!! lol... Will try to improve on the updating...

@ Sez: The good thing is, once it's done, it's DONE. And then you have lots of lovely holidays to looks forward to ;) There is an end my friend! And woahman, 25-50 mins!!

@ Arthur: That's very true. I'm glad I'm finding it challenging though because it's worth it to do the hard work and chew over things for ourselves - for being credible to ourselves, as well as to other people. I think I still need to master to confidence and calm bit tho...

jesster said...

mmm seems you like to use double outer 'ey? Or maybe it's double inner, you can't really tell...

and how wierd ... i mean 'weird' :P you'd think i'd know how to spell that after doing enlish for like 13 years at school...