You've all heard of Charrrrlliieee (and if you haven't a) you have not yet lived, and b) go to and now he's gone GERMAN!! This one goes out to Sez (and Tamie!).
Friday, April 27, 2007
Charlie the Unicorn - German Fandub
Saturday, April 21, 2007
... sobering
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Rev 21:3-5
Monday, April 16, 2007
on the air
Yay :D
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
henna, moisturiser and hot cross buns...mmm!
Facet #1 : a picture.
Here is my foot. My foot does not normally look like this (*gasp* I hear you... uh... gasp) because I got it TATOOED!! Henna tatooed that is, so it'll only last for a few days (to save Dad a freak out :P) ... but what a beautiful few days they shall be, where my foot brings a bit of life, culture, and novelty into my life, and through my wearing of thongs (no matter how cold it gets), into the lives of others as well!
Facet #2
A story.
A very bizarre story.
Last night as I lay dreaming in bed ... No scrap that beginning of the story, I got writer's block. Here's what happened - I've got NO idea WHAT the heck I was dreaming about, but some strange storyline must have been taking place under my eyelids, because a mysterious force took hold of me. You know that Body Shop body butter that comes in the big tubs and smells so good you want to taste it? Well, you can take it from me, it doesn't taste good.
I happened to have one on my bedside table last night. That's right, I half-woke up during the night, took the lid off, took a scoop out with my finger, and ATE it. I ATE my strawberry body butter IN MY SLEEP. How WIERD is that?! I vaguely remember taking the lid off, and then half waking up throughout the night thinking that moisturiser sure does have a wierd aftertaste, not registering that that's because it's abnormal to actually EAT it, regardless of how good it smells!!
When I properly woke up in the morning I could still taste it in my mouth so I knew it wasn't just a dream. It tub didn't have any large labels saying 'POISON: IMMEDIATE DEATH ON CONSUMPTION' so I'm not too worried. She'll be right! It was just SO bizarre.
Facet # 3
Some good news.
I HAVE A JOB!!!! (wow, so many capitals in this post!)
I am now officially a part-time sales assistant at the Norwood Baker's Delight. I get to wear those hot and flattering collotte/shorts, lol. Nah, it's actually good. It was such an answer to prayer to get it - it's local, the manager's got good priorities and is flexible but focussed, and the other people I've met so far are nice. The main challenge is trying to memorise the thousands (at LEAST) of buttons on the till, and learning all the money ... things. But free bread, woo!
Facet #4
A reflection ... possible whinge.
I heard someone say the other day that if you're too busy to catch up with friends, you're too busy. At the moment that qualifies me as too busy! It's crazy - all my time just seem to get slotted up, there's always something to do. We've got such a busy culture - where a lot of the time we seem more task focussed than relationship focussed, that getting all those 'things' done is the priority, and friendships lose out in the mean time. I'm finding it really frustrating that I've got good friends who I haven't seen in what seems like ages and am really missing being able to catch up with, but the weeks just keep flying by in a haze of getting stuff done, and racing from one thing to the next. Even with holidays coming up there's not going to be much down time. That's a bit of a depressing way to end, hey!
That's all for now.
Night! xo