After sitting through 5 1/2 hours worth of 'disclipine' talks at uni (!!) over the past couple of days (it doesn't sound like much, but boy did it feel it) I'm choccas full of course info, and the whole full time study at uni thing is all seeming a lot more real. I'm so glad I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts because at the moment I just want to study it all and don't want to limit it down- there's so much choice and flexibility and I figure, why not study this stuff now when I can? The main subjects I've been planning on doing are Classics (surprise, huh?), Philosophy, Psychology, and Anthropology, but now I'm toying with the idea of Ancient Greek or Latin, History, or maybe even music! Ah, the possibilities are almost endless. I've been seeing so many people I know as well - from high school, and primary which is like a wierd time warp thing but cool!
What's this about near death experiences you ask? WELL I have a bit of a freaky story of my own to tell (you may of already heard it, but read on anyway so I can get maximum mileage out of the story :P)... On Sunday we had a youth leaders training day thing up at Greg and Sum's in Blackwood. That's it. Freaky huh? Just joking (I think i've been sitting in too many info sessions...)! Incidentally I had a great time at it, I'm really looking forward to youth leading this year - it felt like there was a really good energy in the group, and I came home all hyped up and inspired, particularly talking about how character and servanthood is so important in leadership. Anyway, so I drove Anne home, down Old Belair road, think masses of windy bends, huge cliff drops on either side of the road, that sort of thing. I dropped off Anne, and went through a couple of intersections and pulled into the driveway and THE STEERING WENT - the engine started chugging really strangely (I thought it was just part of the song on JJJ at first) and it felt like if I turned the wheel anymore something would just SNAP. What had happened was that the steering belt (I apologise about my terminology to all those car buffs out there) thingy had come off some cog things, but the main thing was that if it had happened just 30 secs earlier I could've been turning on the intersection or something, freaky! I was just overwhelmed that, wow, God was watching over me :D
ps up there's a "random" picture I took of my cousin Michael when we were in Syd earlier in Jan (we had a bit of a photoshoot session along the beaches...) - talk about timing! (don't worry he didn't actually fall over, and his nice camera was safe :P)